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Click on the videos below for tips on dehydrating food
Sure, you can buy dried food, but it is kind of expensive. Drying it yourself is much cheaper. It just takes some time and energy.
Buy food when it is on sale and you will save even more. Look for produce in the height of the season. You may find cherries on sale in the late spring. Tomatoes and strawberries may go on sale in the middle to late summer. Squash in late summer to early fall.
The best time to buy meat on sale is around the holidays. In the US, turkey and ham are usually on sale at Thanksgiving and Christmas. Hamburger may be on sale close to the 4th of July or Memorial Day. You get the picture.
Drying Food - The Basics
Dehydrating Food
Dehydrating Meat:
Beef, Chicken and Tuna
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